Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Death...The Killer of Families free essay sample

The blood rushed up as it overpowered the mans mind, body and soul. In his mind, the man looked up to the heavens praying to God that he would answer his quiestion on why he was being taken out of this word he had become so familiar with. Had he done something wrong to make God upset with him and his life? Gods reply was quite simple, its your time to go. For the man the death was quick and painless. For the family, though, it was a slow, agonizing death. Then it was all over. The heart monitors line went out like a shining star that is slowly fading into nothing but a void of darkness. Life is a cruel world. It brings only chaos, animosity and death, which is a five-letter word that has a great impact on a persons life. I was just a kid at a tender age when my father passed away. We will write a custom essay sample on DeathThe Killer of Families or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He didt die in some horrendous fire, a tragic car crash, or even a grand adventure on top of the highest peak of a mountain. Sadly, he died from a stroke, which was caused by a carotid artery. My father was and still is a great man who exercised on a daily basis. He fought against diabetes and high cholesterol. When my father passed away at the age of fifty-nine, it brought me to realize that not everything in life is just rainbows and butterflies. My fathers death played a huge role in my life by bringing my family closer together. It showed me how grateful I am to have had two parents to show me what to do when obstacles appear twisting and turning with two different destinations that you can choose to embark on. When a family member or a loved one passes away, the event triggers something that causes someone to actually really open your eyes to your surroundings, and for once you actually see the world for what it really is and not just some setting in a fairy tale. A man, a fata her, a husband and a legend. That man has taught me everything I need to know in life from normal school curriculum like reading, writing and math to teaching me how to shoot a gun and become successful both in school and in the real world. He sat oon the sidelines wawtching as I blocked the ball that would try to fly past the other defensive players as they hopelessly failed to defend the goal. This man will fade to a memory that will burn forever in my mind like a vivid portrait that hangs in museums, a distant voice, a guide in life who utters words of encouragement into my ear. Hes always right there next to me watching over me, telling me whats wrong and rihgt and the difference between good and evil. Even on the gloomiest days, I can see his smile break through the clouds and brighten up my rainy days

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